澳洲英語及生活體驗團16/07/2012-29/07/2012學校希望能夠有更多同學能夠透過友儕學習計劃(Buddy Program)讓同學住宿當地家庭及入讀當地的中學每名參與的同學均有一名澳洲同學陪伴一同上課一同參與各項校內活從而更有效地訓練英語聽、講能力了解及體驗澳洲人的生課程的最後三天同學將入住澳洲外展教育訓練營由當地專業導師設計及帶領。通過訓練,啟發個人潛能增加自信透過群體活動,學習互助精神對同學成長有莫大幫助。

My first pleasant moment since I arrived Australia was playing with Bremworth. He is a dog but like a bear. Never did I play with a dog in Hong Kong, not to mention such a large dog. My second pleasant moment occurred thirty minutes later when I fed the ducks with bread. I had never done this before as well. My third pleasant moment happened an hour later……There are so many pleasant moments during this 14 days’ trip making it nearly impossible to write down all of them. Therefore, I could only select some of the most pleasant moments to share with you.

      My first most pleasant moment was watching ‘Stunt Driver’ in Movie World. Those stunning and energetic scenes could only be seen in a movie, but now, I watched them lived. Besides having fun, I also learnt how to choose and mix different short scenes together and make a movie.

      My second most pleasant moment and also the one beyond those most pleasant moments shall be the ‘Buddy Programme’. I met my buddy, Natasehe on the second day of the programme. Although we had less time to spend together than the others, we were already very good friend. We studied Maths, English, Music and Drama together. I enjoyed all lessons and I especially loved listening to her singing during Music Extension lesson. I have learnt a lot. We learnt ‘Hamlet’, ‘Standard Deviation’, ‘L-scores’ etc. That’s really enhancing. Their mode of having lesson is a bit different from Hong Kong’s. They are much lesser students in a class. For example, there are only three students in music extension lesson. Students therefore could be much more concentrate and devoted to the discussions in class.


My third most pleasant moment was teaching my homestay writing Chinese numbers and their names in Chinese. That’s quite strange teaching an adult to write simply numbers. They wrote them like drawing and that’s interesting. I was quite surprised to see a foreigner being so enthusiastic forward learning Chinese things.

      My last but not the least most pleasant moment was visiting Paradise Country. We were so close to the animals and they were so fascinating. It’s surprising to see that human could get along with animals so well. I saw trust and obey between human and those animals during the sheep shearing performance and when the sheep dug guiding the sheep. That’s a brand new experience to me.

      I will leave this place soon and when you are reading this. I’ll have already left this place where I found so many pleasant moments. But it doesn’t matter, since I’ve already written them down on this paper.




Chan Yuet Sum, Canossa (S5A)

This study tour was a great experience for me to learn more about Australia, such as, their culture, food, weather, school, people who living in here etc. I like staying in Australia because most of them are kind and nice. They are easy-going. This is the first time I took place in a study tour overseas. I was worried and afraid of staying here and living with my host family because I never done it before and I didn’t know much about them. However, I’m not worried or afraid anymore because I found out people there are very nice.

The first day I met my host family, they are an adorable family. They treated me like I am one of their members. After school, I played with my host sister. She is cute and funny. She introduced her friends to me, asked me to play with her, watched movies and did my hair. That was so fun. I had a great time with them. Also, I was also excited to attend the local school. Although I’m not going to stay there for a long time, the students at Saint Stephen’s College are lovely. They said ‘Hi’ to us at the first time, came to us and asked for taking photos together. The teachers always wear a smiley face. I enjoyed being there very much.

      The second day, I had my first English class that was pretty easy because the things the teacher taught us I had learnt it already but I do learn something new in the class. I learnt some Australia slang for example, Aussie is Australian, ‘Ta ta’ is good-bye etc. The next day was another amazing too. I made two Australian traditional snacks — chocolate crackles and fairy bread. They were yummy. Moreover, I painted a Boomerang. Boomerang is an old traditional Aussie hurting stick. I did a draft the day before but I found out that was pretty hard to paint exactly the same design. I used some dots and simple figure to draw on the Boomerang. Nevertheless on our way home, we stopped by to take pictures of the Kangaroos. It was my first time to see kangaroos, real wild kangaroos. How amazing it was!

      The other day we went to the famous Surfer’s Paradise. We got onto an Aquaduck, which can go on the road as well as in the water. I was so excited. The Aquaduck tour bus is an amphibious bus which is capable of taking us though to see the beautiful views of Gold Coast both on land and on bodies of Water. The following day, we went to Movie World (WB Movie World). I had a lot of fun in there. I saw different characters on WB’s movies like Batman. Cat women, Superwomen, Green Lantern and so on. Moreover, we played on all rides. Those rides were scary but I still had fun with it. That was a great day for me.

    To sum up, I had a wonderful experience in Australia. I enjoyed being a student at Saint Stephen’s College for two weeks. I love staying at Australia. I learnt a lot of things that I can’t learn from the books. I improved my English and know more about Australia. While learning English, I met a lot of friends too. That was an excellent study tour. I will never forget anything for it. Hope I can enjoy another study tour again to earn more experience and share my experience with others.                                          

                                                                                        Lee Hoi Ching, Peggy (S.4C)